by Anna | Feb 16, 2018 | African AMerican, Awake, Education, Hope, Politics, Wisdom
Just as no one goes with us into our dreams at night when we sleep, no one goes with us when we leave this world. The ability to do all we can in good conscience while we are living and are in a position to do what is correct or not, will remain with us forever....
by Anna | Feb 6, 2018 | African AMerican, Awake, Education, healing, Hope, WOMEN
I AM Gratitude ~ Gratitude helps us recognize our potential and the value of life. Gratitude is a Gift to Behold. Life is the essence of the Divine manifested in...
by Anna | Nov 12, 2017 | African AMerican, Education, HUMAN RIGHTS, Money, Politics
What we do to others we do to ourselves because we are All One Humanity on One Mother Earth. The wise man governing would end budgets that support death and destruction and instead budget for the Support and Care of life if he intended to build a healthy and strong...
by Anna | Jan 25, 2017 | African AMerican, Awake, Education, Hope, LoVe
When the Power of Love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. – Jimi...
by Anna | Nov 8, 2016 | African AMerican, Awake, Education, LoVe, Peace, Unity, Wisdom
If surviving is the basic goal of life then a loving, caring, reciprocal Community is a necessity. To thrive is to achieve the highest state of being while maintaining compassion for all things living. Nothing can surpass love for love is the highest order of all...