by Anna | Aug 25, 2018 | African AMerican, healing, Hope, LoVe, Music, WOMEN
by Anna | Aug 24, 2018 | African AMerican, healing, LoVe, Music, WOMEN
I just realized that it was ARETHA FRANKLIN that I grew up listening to because my mother played her music all the time. Her music moved me and soothed me as a child and now I listen to it again with deep appreciation and gratitude for her talent and beautiful big...
by Anna | Aug 24, 2018 | African AMerican, Hope, LoVe, Music, WOMEN
LOVING MEMORIES of beautiful Souls. Aretha’s music reminds me of my Mother and childhood since her music made a wonderful and lasting impression on me since childhood when I heard it played what seemed to be daily by my mother and on the radio. What a beautiful...
by Anna | Jul 10, 2018 | African AMerican, Awake, Hope, Music, Poetry, Unity, WOMEN
♠INSPIRATION comes from the HEART & SOUL of HUMANITY, from All Races, Colors and all Places because we are One Human Race divided only by false concepts of value and superficial differences. There is not a value that can be placed on the Human Heart and...
by Anna | Jul 1, 2018 | African AMerican, Awake, Education, Hope, HUMAN RIGHTS
THE WORDS of GREAT LEADERS will always teach Human Beings and inspire them to be FREE, as is their God Given Right to be. NO MAN IS BORN TO BE A CORPORATE SLAVE nor to Serve those who put money above the dignity of others and life itself. It is the duty of men to...
by Anna | Jun 19, 2018 | African AMerican, Awake, EARTH, Education, Environment, healing, Hope, HUMAN RIGHTS, Native American, Nature, Peace, Unity, Wisdom, WOMEN
No one needs a concept, belief, priest, religion, church, ritual, gospel nor anything else between themselves and the Divine because the Divine is already Within All Life and all around You. When you awaken and recognize the Divine in yourself then you will see it in...