Investment Opportunity

Awakeisme welcomes Investors who would like to support the Awakeisme Community by investing in the Company.

Our philosophy is to “gather the wealth and spread the wealth” while always remembering that one true wealth lies within the heart. Our Company prides itself on ethical actions while investing on behalf of our investors in Businesses that promote Green Sustainable Living options for people looking to live in harmony on Earth while caring for the well-being of Earth. Our company profits will be initially directed to the Awakeisme Community projects in order to secure our longevity with ongoing growth that supports our ideals.

Future profits will be directed towards projects supporting healthy business ventures for Women Worldwide in underprivileged parts of the world to become self-sustaining, along with creating Education and Caring Environments for Children suffering homelessness as refugees from warfare and other negligence.

Supporting the development of Sustainable Communities for those in need while creating healthy living options with a focus on alternative and non-toxic green sources for building and energy is a priority. Healing Mother Earth through education and projects to reduce toxic waste through conscious living and taking action to keep chemicals and toxins out of daily activities and free from All Earth Life is our priority.

FOR MORE INFO: Please write INVESTMENT in the Subject line and send an e-mail with your contact details to: [email protected]

“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.”
~ Wayne Dyer