Before the Industrial Age brought on the Race of the Financial Age there were those who walked and lived upon Earth with Wisdom and Respect for Mother Earth and all life. Native Americans had all they needed from Earth’s Bounty and respected Earth as their Mother and Sky as their Father. They lived in Ceremony for Life, giving Gratitude for all they were given daily to Survive. The extraordinary Creation of Paradise Earth has evolved to an abundance of beauty on Earth but it is now being destroyed faster than it can recover with harmful technologies which are putting the whole balance of our Life Source, the ECOSYSTEM and MOTHER EARTH at risk, while robbing all life of the enjoyment of peace in Heaven on Earth. Until Countries and Leaders take their focus from Global Financial Gain and put it back on the Protection of the Natural Prospering of Earth to provide for all, with Respect for All Life, there will be no Prosperity, no Gain nor Future Life. Men must surrender their insatiable desires for false external wealth and replace it with true qualities of Inner Wealth that encompass protection, integrity, respect, kindness and generosity. I have never seen these qualities shine more brilliantly than in those who have sought and practiced inner peace as there foundation and way of life.
” When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, and who, by their actions and deeds, shall make the earth green again. They will be known as ‘The Warriors of the Rainbow’. ”
– Old Native American Prophecy (An Edward S. Curtis photograph – ‘ Fog in the Morning’ – Asparoke)