Women taking a STAND FOR JUSTICE and Organizing is our Female Duty to SAVE EARTH which Supports Humanity. It is TIME to PUT THE MEN in their Playpens with their lazer guns and atomic toys in a Nursery which should be placed on Mars. They really have got to Grow Up because the Bad Boys have just become tooo annoying to all the Angels in Heaven on Earth who want only to Enjoy LIFE IN HEAVEN until our ticket to visit here expires. – Anna Mary Yeager, II Smith, named after my grandmother Anna Mary Yeager.

One Month after I posted this my home was Vaporised to ASH along with many others in Northern and Southern California, followed by the Amazon and Rainforests Worldwide and now the whole continent of Australia is on fire. The current Lowlife Coward Leaders Enslaved to the handful of Money Whores who control them must really be Aliens because they truly have no Balls, no Integrity, no Dignity nor Soul and certainly must be Penniless and Penisless, as my Italian girlfriend would say,

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