We cannot take from our grandchildren that which does not belong to us…like a healthy and sustained Mother Earth. Mans sole purpose is to be a steward of the land so that it may flourish with the gifts of clean Water, Food and Air which All Life rely on for survival. Man is not here to take anything from Earth nor Nature which could harm or interfere with the Ecosystem and harmony of Mother Earth and her cycles for to do so will result in irreparable damage and harm to all present and future life. Man is not meant to dig, rape and pillage Earth for her limited resources so he can reap profits that he can never consume in his lifetime while permanently altering and destroying millions of years of supreme beauty in the making and robbing it from future generations forever.To harm Earth is to harm all life now and into the future. Man’s purpose is to be the guardian and protect the clear, clean waters, aquifers, sea and pure, fresh air and healthy foods made by creation without interference from man so that generations to come may thrive into the future on a healthy Paradise Earth.
– Written by Anna Mary Yeager Smith, for my Cherokee Mother, White Cloud Spirit and her Grand Father, Cherokee Chief, GeLiNeDo and for all the Wise Native Elders, Peacekeepers and Storytellers who lived peacefully for thousands of years on Turtle Island, which was renamed America by the European Immigrants that landed here a few hundred years ago. Aho !