Those who were born in the Age before technology do you remember your childhood. The wild abandon and total freedom to explore and Experience Yourself and Discover Life in Reality ? Waiting for a friend to stop by and the excitement of synchronicity without technology or cell phones. The joy of going out away from home and being alone with yourself without any phones to constantly rob your attention and freedom to engage with life ? Do you remember going out into nature and it was just you and nature and no phone to rob your attention ? For me it was usually me and my horse or dog and nature but no techno no way ! Smoking a joint in the woods with a friend by the creek ? and getting Laying in a grassy field and looking up at the sky and finding shapes in the clouds when we had real clouds. Being thrilled at the sounds of nature, crickets and locusts and frogs surrounding you in an orchestra of music while laying in the lush grass ?Going on adventures on unknown trails in the woods and getting lost only to find your way back home like a pioneer with great relief ? For me it was on my horse and I used to play a game where I would put the reins down and let my horse find the way back home because animals have built in GPS called instinct. Humans have it too but phone technology is taking that away from us. Mine still works far better than GPS particularly when my GPS is hacked or out of control or reception. I credit my Cherokee DNA for that as Natives instincts were their lifeline and highly developed. Time away from technology out in nature are the kind of gifts that we need to create for our children. Screw these BS Lockdowns and Masks and OMG Variants which are Natures Gifts to mutate the virus naturally as it has always done so that greedy men cannot harm us using Bio Weapons. That is if we do not volunteer to be their Lab Rats ! Enough of Bullshit Artists CEO’s and Techno old Farci’s taking credit for what Nature does best only so they can manipulate and control humans with lies and fear tactics for their meaningless Financial Margins. Something has gone seriously wrong because too many in power are acting exactly like mindless ROBITS repeating the same senses BS over and over again. Either they have implanted AI technology in themselves or DNA altering crapola or they are on drugs but most all the leaders are following commands that make no sense and they are not leading us as Human Beings anymore. Do you think they are under AI influence already and the Aliens are on their way to conquering humanity or is this all just a bad reality nightmare ?

We need a world without technology and constant mental stimulation which is so unhealthy and out of balance for human beings. Human Beings need tactile experiences, human interactions and the ability to feel and engage with life. We need to return to a world without technology or very limited use and containment of techno for convenience only. Use of cell phones should be only in certain environments like school or for moments of inspiration or information purposes so that we can engage more time in being human beings relating to each other and engaging in life again. Humans adore interaction with nature, plants, animal and other human life. This is where we shine as human beings.

Every human being needs to experience the Divinity within themselves and in Life Not in technology which is the very opposite of who we are and want we desire.

When we go within ourselves we are able to feel and engage with the Divine Source from which we come. Quiet time feeling our true essence within is exactly what we need in order to feel the beauty and peace within ourselves and the synchronicity with all life. Within is where the Divine Source of All Creation Resides and it is the place from which we can experience Heaven while being alive on Paradise Earth. Technology is nothing more than a little tool for convenience when we need it. We should NEVER Allow Techno to become a source for external influences to manipulate us or use us or our lives or data for anything. Never give your time to technology for FREE nor allow it to rob Your Time from you nor distract you from precious moments that can be spent with another human being in your presence face to face.

A NICE SONG when music had lyrics that enlightened and inspired and rhythms that soothed.

I noticed this post Published on 12.12.21 at 20:22

Someone tell me that numbers are meaningless. This is the magical serendipity of life ! It is always happening like that so much so that sometimes I look just to see and always find these auspicious numerlogies happening.