The MARCH AGAINST GUNS in Malibu, CA today had a huge turnout and the Presentation was organized and led by Youth and Kids from the Malibu School DIstrict who passionately expressed their feelings against gun violence in memory of the recent Florida incident. The demonstrations were presented in soft and strong heartfelt Spoken Word from youth of all ages and ethnicity. There was also spoken Poetry and moving original Songs by youth who have been stirred deeply by the gun tragedies in schools across AMerica. Their arguments against guns were some of the most intelligent points that I have heard to date. Their message deserves to be played across all the news channels in AMerica until all the people in the United States have had a chance to hear how youth untouched directly by gun violence feel about guns in AMerica.

It is a no brainer that Teachers cannot be asked to carry guns because they will have to be trained to carry and defend with a deadly weapon like Police Officers are and hence be Paid to be Defenders of the Public with the same salary as Police, if they are willing. Not to mention that those who carry the guns will be the first targets of any potential shooters, further endangering the teachers and the children. How insane is it to live in a country where School teachers must carry a gun to protect the kids from other kids shooting each other. This is a scenario beyond INSANITY. There is Nothing more insane than treating the SYMPTOMS of the PROBLEM while ignoring the ROOT SOURCE of the Problem. It is the same with Medicine and Government and many other things. Treating Symptoms does not address the Source. Are ALL of the Government Leaders on drugs or what ??? What is wrong with their brains ?? It is time that Drug Tests are run regularly on everyone in Government and Everyone in Service trained to carry a gun in America. ALL THE REST OF THE GUN OWNERS SHOULD HAVE THEIR GUNS TURNED IN OR SEIZED IMMEDIATELY. Cry in your Hankies Boys and Babies because your shoot ’em up games are over. There is SOMETHING TERRIBLY WRONG WITH PROMOTING INSANITY in a Society and it MUST BE STOPPED NOW.

The Second AMendment for the Right to Carry Arms was Created on Dec 15th 1791 !!! YES…1791 ! 1791 !! What ?! We are no longer living in the 1700’s. That was over 300 YEARS AGO ! We are Not living in the time of the Cowboys and Indians anymore and if we were then perhaps this was one of the flawed Amendments of the time and of ALL TIME and yet it still exists TODAY creating horrifying results ! WHY ??? When a principle has harmed more Lives than all the wars put together it is time to revisit the original intention behind it and modify it or eliminate it. They say Guns do not harm and we say GUNS IN THE WRONG HANDS HARM and WHO IS CHECKING and SCREENING the HANDS ??? NO ONE !!! Guns in the hands of the WRONG MINDS kills innocent people. WHO IS CHECKING THEIR MINDS ??? DRUG TESTS ? ALCOHOL ? NO ONE. The AMendments of the Constitution were created to ensure the safety and well being of the people and not to create harm and risk for them. GUNS CREATE HARM NOT SAFETY PERIOD. GUNS are made to KILL. The should Not exist in ANY SOCIETY. GUNS BELONG in the HANDS of NO ONE other than those FEW highly trained Individuals for EMERGENCY SITUATIONS ONLY, to be used in order to PROTECT INNOCENT LIVES. If the Amendments are not serving their purpose TODAY then they obviously need to be CHANGED, particularly when they have never served their purpose and are promoting harm and division and death amongst the people and children no less.

It is an insult to the AMerican Intelligence in front of the whole world that the largest and most powerful and richest country in the world today has zero command over the laws needed to protect the innocent people and children to ensure a prosperous and safe life for it’s people. We are living with Amendments from the horse and buggy era. Amendments which are ensuring harm and NOT the safety of the people. Maybe if the Second Amendment was never created there would have been more Peace when AMerica was founded and the Native AMericans would have been Respected and Honored as the Forefathers of the Land the immigrants discovered instead of SLAUGHTERED, ROBBED, RAPED, ENSLAVED, MURDERED and WIPED OUT along with the BUFFALO and many other Innocent Human Beings and Creatures just because a few misguided men had the power to do it. What a despicable history. Nothing to be proud of to say the least. Immoral, inhuman and without dignity nor honor, nor Justice.

I think that AMerica is the only Country in the world which allows the sale of guns to any unlicensed, undocumented, untrained, imbalanced Joe Blow regardless of their training, job, need, background, history, intent to use, and on and on pure INSANITY with ZERO COMMON SENSE. AMERICA is the only Country in the world that promotes excessive, horrid and disgusting Violence in Movies, Video Games, Computer Apps, Television and Kids Shows, Magazines and more while condemning the natural acts of love making in films and Media. What are we filling the minds of our youth with ?? No wonder they feel angry, out of touch with themselves and hopeless. WHO IS GOING to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for this and WHEN ?? Violence and Killing are legally promoted like a Cult in AMerica. No wonder AMerica is the Leader of Warfare, the Military Industry, MURDER MACHINES and WEAPONRY and Atomic Destruction and WARFARE and VIOLENCE, Murder and Death of the Innocent, COVERT or OVERT WORLDWIDE for the Sole Purpose of DIVIDE and CONQUER for Greed and Power. POWER for WHO…? The People…? NO. WHAT FOOLS ARE THOSE RULING AMERICA ??? WHAT A+FOOLS ARE WE TO CONTINUE TO ALLOW IT ???? THE BUCK STOPS HERE BECAUSE NOT IN OUR NAME, NO MORE !!! AMERICANS HAVE A VOICE and SO DO THE MOTHERS, WOMEN and CHILDREN and BABIES and Boys and Men !

Written by: Anna M Y Smith

Pictures Taken by Same:  AMY Smithl