EDUCATION changes the way we think and see the world and it expands our understanding and desire to evolve. Real education based on Truth enables a person to see where problems exist and assist in finding real solutions to move forward. An educated populous paves the way to a society which is constantly improving on systems which work and replacing systems which do not work for the well being of life, the Earth and hence the needs of the masses. This is important in order to serve the evolution of all life versus the excess accumulation of a few while the masses devolve into chaos due to their basic needs not being supported and established. Those who only desire unbridled power based on ill principles block progress which results in failure for others and hence themselves. All life has the instinct to survive and all creation is supporting that instinct and constantly adapting to help life achieve it. This is how a successful Government should work as well. If the Universe is in support of life then what mere mortal can destroy that. None, but they can impede it to the point of destruction of life with unnecessary chaos and suffering for many innocent people. Working in harmony with the Supreme Intelligence of Creation invites Limitless Wisdom while catering to self serving, small minds can result in grief, struggle and chaotic results for human beings, which does not serve anyone. That is why the Leaders of any Nation should be highly evolved souls, carrying with them the highest integrity, morals and understanding of the needs of the people and be able to fulfill those in such a way that all Individuals are inspired to move forward and prosper with dignity, care and concern for all life.

It makes me laugh when I hear about the wealthy ruling class worried about mass upheaval and chaos if the old monetary systems and social structures collapse because the only ones that will fret and not be able to maintain are the small numbers of the wealthy elite class since they are the ones who have become accustomed to high cost lifestyles which are not supported in the face of basic survival needs of life. They have lost their natural survival instincts which the masses have intact. The masses will celebrate the end of the oppressive imbalanced systems which served only the elite rulers and immediately go to work creating simple communities with easy survival systems which function for everyones benefit, which they are so adept at doing. Those systems may not serve the needs of the elite’s handicapped lifestyle of excess but they will serve with ease and joy all the needs of the masses focused on joy and celebration in life as long as greed is keep out of the system. Greed simply needs to be held at bay by protocols used to address that energy and remove it from the system immediately. Those persons still harboring the greed energy can be placed in rehabilitation centers until they have shown the capacity to be allowed into the communities of those thriving by allowing them to offer a contribution or service without trying to take control of it to gain for the sake of needless accumulation. – Anna M Y Smith