KNOWING HOW INVISIBLE THINGS IN OUR ENVIRONMENT AFFECT US IS ESSENTIAL TO PROTECTING OUR HEALTH, IMMUNITY AND LIVES. I was so happy to find this video because I have experienced all the symptoms they talk about and some recent;y while camping in the outdoors. One night the past winter I had an extreme case of totally debilitating dizziness that hit me suddenly in my sleep when I simply tried to roll over in bed due to feeling uncomfortable. It felt painful and was so extreme that I could not find any position to make the spinning stop and it was like the worst hang over you have ever had when the whole room spins non stop out of control and you can do nothing to stop it. I did experience that once or twice in my younger years. This time I had no alcohol nor anything to make me feel unusual. I tried to sit up to stop the spinning and could not without falling over. I felt to vomit from the extreme dizziness and had to hold the walls and stumble to the bathroom only a few feet away to puke but nothing came out of course. It was the most awful form of torture imaginable and there was no way to escape it and nothing to do to stop it. I recall it being very strange that I hold the sides of the toilet just to keep from falling over due to the spinning. I tried to lie down again but the spinning continued. I eventually managed to walk a short distance away from my camping spot to get some fresh air which helped a little yet I was so extremely uncomfortable and weak physically plus sick to my stomach from the dizziness that all I could hardly walk. All I could do was slump down in a lounge chair and pray to be able to stay alive and then I passed out for a few hours when a softy breeze on my cheek woke me up and I felt a comforted and a little better.
When a friend took me away for a ride one day in the mountains I felt better even though I felt sick to my stomach before going and was concerned about being in a moving car. Getting far away from where I was made me feel better and I realised that the way I felt was influenced by where I was. When I was able I drive away I noticed feeling better each time after leaving. The longer I was away the better I felt. I found that even taking a walk away from my house even helped. I stayed out all day shopping and running errands just to be away. The intensity lessened very slowly over a couple of weeks even though I felt drunk most of the time and could not walk straight and was often falling into things as I walked. Even though I am not a drinker I did not dare drink any alcohol as just a sip of wine one time made it worse. I think people must have thought that I was drunk and that just made me laugh because I did feel drunk but without any alcohol. During that time I was unable to focus my vision well on anything and it was very uncomfortable to look at my computer. I was eventually able to drive holding two hands on the steering wheel and sitting up straight hovering over the it while driving very slow and praying for help to drive safely. I felt very incoherent and could not think well nor do anything important that I needed to do. I recall going to court one day and losing my balance walking to the stand. I could not talk well either. I do not know if all these things are caused from cochlea in the ear being disarrayed but I was heavily affected by something invisible and often felt under attack each time I had to go to Court to defend myself against a bully neighbour during this time.. The episode lasted 6-8 weeks before I slowly returned to normal.
I thought that that my cochlea (little balls in the ear) were in disarray due to having experienced dizziness before from a bad fall but that dizziness was nothing compared to this and I had not fallen nor had any sudden impacts, Dizziness was also activated my tilting my head or looking up or down. When it did not go away I began to fear that I had a brain tumour or something worse and was ready to go to the hospital when it started to improve. I researched causes of dizziness and found that Electromagnetic Frequencies and Radiation can both dislodge the cochlea in the ear. That was interesting information to me.
Before I had my SMART METER removed I suffered from Frequencies that were almost audible and so disturbing and uncomfortable physically that they sometimes caused a strange piercing headache immediately which would go away within minutes of driving away from my house. They also made me feel high levels of anxiety which subsided right away when I left my house.
The last strange experience I had in that same location was a sudden weird piercing headache that would not go away, insomnia and feeling completely debilitated with no energy. There was also sudden strange pain and weakness in my muscles. I had an extreme loss of cognitive ability, instability and confusion like being very drunk even though I did not have any alcohol nor anything to cause that feeling. I had to leave to travel the next day and was happy to get away even though I had concerns about feeling unwell while traveling. Not to my surprise these symptoms began to diminish within minutes of leaving the place. Within a few hours the further away I was the physical symptoms began to disappear and my cognitive ability began to return too. Then I understood that it was again affecting me at my location. The only thing unusual the day I starting feeling bad was that the Electric Company service man arrived unannounced that morning and said he had to change out my meter. I had convinced the installers a few weeks before to leave me an old style meter instead of a Smart Meter and they did because they had one on their truck. I asked the service man that came to please not put in a Smart Meter and he said that he was not putting one in. I asked what kind it was if it was not a Smart Meter nor the old kind and he just said it was a different one but would not explain what it kind. I think there should be full transparency of all things we are exposed to from the State or the Government. Not to do so is criminal.
IF 5G, Radio Active Frequencies and Microwave Frequencies harm life then why have they been created ? Are they a weapon created for warfare, weather manipulation and control of people ??? Why are the masses being exposed it ? Human Beings should NOT be exposed to anything UNKNOWN to them when they have not submitted to consent. Invisible frequencies that can harm or affect LIFE in any way are HIGHLY ILLEGAL and a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. We are NOT Human Test subjects and no one should accept being one. Questions need to be asked and answers need be given.
Hey y’all in this video I want to share with you me and my family’s experience living next to a Cell tower. For 9 months we lived 300 feet from a tower and It did a number on us. We have now recovered by getting back to our roots and living out in the country. Below are links for you to learn more about cell towers. Again this is my opinion and my story of what happened. Stay safe out there and God Bless.
News story of cell towers… my video living with cell towers… report https://www.globalindoorhealthnetwork… Symptoms from cell towers… Find cell towers near you
Devra Lee Davis, is an American epidemiologist and writer. works on disease prevention and environmental health factors. She served as the President Clinton appointee to the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board from 1994 to 1999, having won bipartisan Senate confirmation. Wikipedia
Devra Davis tells CNN’s Ali Velshi about steps consumers can take to protect themselves from cell phone radiation.