HEALING the WOUNDS of Past Wrongs is necessary to thrive as One Human Family on Earth. One Family does not mean we all act, walk and talk the same. It means that we honour our differences in culture and every individual as a precious child of Creation. Supporting healthy environments and lifestyles unique to each culture is a way to honour and keep the gems of different cultures in tact so that ancient wisdom, survival skills and knowledge can be passed down from generation to generation. Honouring  historical agreements and improving upon them versus negating them and lessening them is needed to grow a Humanity based on honesty, kindness and trust.

When one thrives we all thrive. When ones hurts we all hurt. When one dies a part of us all we dies. We are one Human Family visiting Heaven on Mother Earth together for a brief period in time.

  • Anna M Smith

Genevieve Iron Lightning is a young Lakota dancer on the Cheyenne River Reservation, one of the poorest communities in the US. Unemployment, addiction, alcoholism, and suicide are all challenges for Lakota on the reservation. For nearly a hundred years, it was illegal to practice Lakota customs. Now, the Cheyenne River Youth Project is working with young people like Genevieve to create a stronger economic and cultural future—and they’re using their Lakota heritage to get there. Learn how you can support CRYP at https://www.lakotayouth.org/lakota-in…

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