Cancer is already epidemic in the world with 2 out of every 3 people acquiring it in the most industrialized countries where toxic industries, pesticides, herbicides, Agricultural Chemicals and Genetically Modified foods are most prevalent. If the building blocks of our Blood, Brains and DNA come from what we consume then what do you think genetically modifying and poisoning our foods will do to us ? The human body is naturally allergic to what it cannot break down and use or eliminate. Genetically Modified foods and man made chemicals which the body cannot break down are a threat to the homeostasis of the body. Dousing our foods with pesticides and eating them and what do you have ? A chronically ill human body with allergies, headaches, indigestion and pain which are all symptoms of an imbalance and assault on the natural Homeostasis of the human body. If the imbalance is not identified and treated then it can develop into degenerative diseases such as Cancer and obviously Auto Immune Diseases. When the perfectly organized synergy of the human body is disorganized, disharmonious, confused and overloaded with toxicity and chemicals it cannot break down is under constant stress. Stress affects the liver which is already overloaded with toxins. A burdened liver causes anger and more stress and more toxicity which affects the kidneys and heart and the emotions and everything else because it is all connected like all life. The thing about life itself is that it makes perfect sense, called common sense I do believe. I did not mention the everyday chemicals we are exposed to externally in cleaning and household products, body creams, shampoos, carpets, home building products to mention only a few. Then add toxic air quality from petroleum, industrial pollution and now aerial spraying of the atmosphere with nano form heavy metals which goes directly into our brains and blood when we inhale it. Only God knows what else apart from Radiation and Microwave technologies which Smart Cities want to surround us in concentrated formats. Pollute the water sources as well and you have chronically ill people depressed and dying slow and painful deaths from unknown diseases and causes not recognized by modern medicine which is controlled by the pharmaceutical industry who trains doctors to treat isolated symptoms. Meanwhile the doctor offers you endless pills for your dis ease and depression, headaches, indigestion, allergies and other symptoms, which only masks the underlying imbalance causing further degeneration into more serious illness. Modern Medicine under Pharmaceutical influence has grossly overlooked the most obvious need to treat the human body as one system of highly organized and intelligent interactions which is constantly seeking to rebalance itself and maintain homeostasis. Life is Divinely Created solely for survival and has an intelligence far beyond man’s ability to comprehend fully. In fact modern medicine has grossly underestimated and disrespected the Divine Wisdom of the human body to survive left alone in an unpolluted world, even when the industrial world has been a toxic assault on life to extremes. The end result is medications to treat side affects of medications perpetuating ongoing diseases and illnesses in society. This is not a healthy life. When the world and environment is a constant threat for the healthy survival of life, the human body and immunity is under constant stress due to the fight or flight syndrome built into all life for survival. Hence human immunity is burdened unnecessarily at a time when we need it to be at its maximum capacity during an unexpected pandemic.
If you want an answer on how to eliminate Cancer then simply eliminate all that which is causing cancer, starting with ELIMINATING everything manmade including ALL AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS, POISONS and other harmful by products of all outdated toxic industries from food to household products to petroleum and plastics to cars and home building. These products NEVER should have been allowed to be developed to begin with. Has anyone in history ever even tested the accumulative affects of massive toxic exposure to all these chemicals which every household and family in America and the civilized world is exposed to daily ? Is it no wonder that America has the highest Cancer Rate in the world with 1 out of every 3 ten experiencing it in their lifetime ? If the building blocks of our Blood, Brains and DNA come from what we consume daily then what do you think genetically modifying and poisoning our foods will do to our DNA ? Add the quality of what we drink and breath daily in a world overrun with pollution and chemical toxicity and you have the perfect set up for all degenerative diseases with Cancer leading the way. The body is naturally allergic to what it cannot break down, which is why GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOODS, PESTICIDES, HERBICIDES and other MAN MADE CHEMICALS cause so much havoc in the Human Body. Dousing Genetically Modified Foods with ever INCREASING Herbicides and Pesticides is INSANE and CRIMINAL besides a Crime Against All Life, Earth and Divine Creation. Single vision Corporations focused only on profits are polluting the Food we eat, the Water we drink and the Air we Breath. What humans are exposed to today is so TOXIC that what you have as an end result is a toxic, diseased body. It is the perfect Recipe for a chronically ill human body with Allergies, Headaches, Indigestion and Random Pain which leads perfectly into Degenerative Diseases, Cancer and obviously Auto Immune Diseases. This excess toxicity disrupts the perfectly organized synergy of the whole human body making it disharmonious, confused and overwhelmed with toxicity and chemicals it cannot comprehend nor break down. Do any science experiment putting all these ingredients together in a jar of water and just watch what happens. The Liver and Kidneys are the main filters of toxic waste in the human body and they obviously have a load capacity. An overloaded liver creates anger and stress and more toxicity which affects the kidneys and heart and the emotions which creates more physical and emotional stress and hence more toxins in a viciously circle. This leads to a horrid and painful death whereby Doctors prescribe more chemical drugs and GOD FORBID the strongest, most toxic cocktail of poisons is administered called CHEMOTHERAPY, which shocks the whole human body and takes a patient to the brink of death. I have heard doctors say that Chemotherapy is a delicate balance between killing the cancer without killing the person. It is such a toxic shock to a persons body that a person’s hair falls out and understandably so because the hair is a sign of the life force of a person’s body which is created in the Kidneys. Just as every organ, tissue and all systems of operation in the human body are connected down to our DNA so is ALL LIFE Upon Earth Connected. Any young child can understand this concept perfectly because they still have their wisdom of simplicity intact. It is a simple and obvious concept and reality which needs no proof nor study. The current Epidemic of Cancer and multiple Auto Immune Diseases in the most Industrialized Countries during the past 5 Decades is a Study in itself and Proof of the result of living in an ever increasing Toxic Environment and it should not have happened this way.
Bad Decisions create bad results and not reversing those decisions in a timely way will only increase the magnitude of the bad result so TIME is of the Essence. The thing about life itself is that it makes perfect sense, it is called COMMON SENSE. Besides the everyday common chemicals that we are exposed to externally in cleaning and household products, body creams, shampoos, carpets, home building products to mention only a few. Then we add Toxic Air quality from Petroleum and Industrial Pollution and now Serial spraying of the atmosphere with nano form Heavy Metals and other Substances which goes directly into our brains and blood when we inhale it. Only God knows what else besides the Radiation and Microwave technologies transmitted via the G’s like upcoming 5G and future Smart Cities which want to surround us in concentrated formats immersed in all these UNHEALTHY and ever Increasing FREQUENCIES. Pollute the water sources we rely in for life as well and you have people depressed and dying slow and painful deaths from unknown diseases and causes not recognized by modern medicine which has been controlled by the pharmaceutical industry since the 1930’s. Unfortunately modern medicine has handicapped modern doctors by training them solely on how to treat isolated symptoms with pharmaceuticals. Symptoms are a gift from our divine human body’s natural intelligence and a messaging system to say something is wrong. Symptoms should never be covered up but rather noted, assessed and treated superficially within the framework of the health of the whole body in order to understand where the core root of the imbalance is being triggered so that the root of the problem can be treated as well. When there is an overall systemic overload it is obviously difficult to pinpoint one area because the whole body is reacting to the toxic assault as in Auto Immune Diseases. When pharmaceuticals are added there are the complications of their side affects as well which confuses the ability to diagnosis clearly even more. Therefore the use of pills to treat symptoms like headaches, indigestion, allergies, depression and other ailments while masking the underlying problem is the first diagnostic error. Therefore drugs should be only temporarily used while the cause of the imbalance is addressed and treated before it becomes a more serious illness. When the symptoms are continually being covered up by drugs not only is the assault increased but the human body reacts by creating it’s own toxic storage centers referred to as Tumors in an effort to intelligently encapsulate that which it cannot filter nor expel when the consumption and exposure is ongoing in multiple forms. The body tends to create these tumors in the weakest areas of the body where they will go unnoticed and undetected. If the assault of toxicity continues and the tumors cannot hold any more waste they may leak out the toxic waste into other areas of the body which is referred to as malignant. If the human body is too weak and overloaded to respond, which it often is, then the Dis Ease of Cancer becomes terminal.
Modern Medicine under Pharmaceutical influence has grossly overlooked the most obvious need to understand and respect the human body as one highly intelligent and divinely organized organism which is constantly seeking to rebalance itself and maintain homeostasis. Life is Divinely Created solely for survival and has an intelligence far beyond man’s ability to comprehend fully. In fact modern medicine has grossly underestimated and disrespected the Divine Wisdom of the human body to survive on its own inner wisdom when recovering from any illness. The human body when left alone in an unpolluted world thrives with life. The Industrial Age world has been a tremendous toxic assault on human life and Earth to extremes. The end result is an ever increasing need for medications to treat symptoms which perpetuate more medications for the side affects of medications, perpetuating into progressed and ongoing diseases and illnesses in society and many people addicted to pharmaceuticals at a high price when they should be free or paid by all Chemical and other Toxic Industries polluting our Air, Water and Food. This is not a healthy life nor was life created to live this way. When business finance and toxic industries are a constant threat for the healthy survival of life, the human body and immunity is under constant stress due to the fight or flight syndrome built into all life for survival. Hence human immunity is burdened unnecessarily at a time when we need it to be at its maximum capacity during unexpected Pandemics.
Healthy Foods items like oils, vinegars, fruits, vegetables, legumes, pickled foods, cheeses and grains for example are our staple dietary needs. They support smaller local food production. Larger industries support regional production yet modifying the genetics of the original God given abundance from Nature’s seeds which are created perfectly by the Divine creation to promote the perfect health of the DNA of LIFE as created by God is shameful. Genetic Modification of anything is just plain stupid if not insane and boldly arrogant as well as an insult to the Divine Creator of Earth and ALL LIFE.