OUR HUMAN IMMUNE SYSTEM is a Marvel of Creation. The Immune System works most ideally we we are in good health and when the Human Body is Not overloaded and dealing with an excess of assaults like Pesticides, GMO’s, Medications, Petroleum and Industrial Air Pollution, Impure Water and other Toxicity. Everyday Chemicals in our Environment put stress on our Immune System. Chemicals are found in Household cleaning products, cars, garden products, home building materials, carpets, paints, Processed Foods and most all products sold by major Corporations. Tested Individually the toxicity level is low enough to pass the FDA standards yet added up all together on a daily basis is an overload on our Immune System which has never been tested. Add Radiation from Cell Towers, our phones, computers, tablets and all else plus the up and happening 5G and you have a recipe for disaster on the Human Immune System. All this is a tremendous strain on the Immune System, our Brains and the whole Human Body. Chemtrails in the skies have made our atmosphere more toxic than ever and turned the skies into a chemical laden haze of Aluminum, Barium,Lithium and Strontium, plus other unknown chemicals and substances. This is marked by the Sun appearing as an irregular GLARING ball of Light and the skies streaked with Chemical Trails which are dispersed through aerial spraying from planes and drones. The heavy metals are dispersed in a fine Nano particle mist which is saturated into the atmosphere and delivered directly into the human brain by inhalation of the fog of congested air causing a tremendous loss of Cognitive ability and damage to our lungs, brains and bodies. When the human body is overloaded with ongoing Toxic exposure the immune system can malfunction and cause what may be referred to as AUTO IMMUNE DISEASE. I personally believe in the Human Immune System far more than any man made Vaccine yet living in the toxic environments we live in today challenges our natural immunity which calls for a focus on boosting our immune systems.

The question is WHY are Governments Condoning all of these assaults on Humanity ? Could it be because someone is making Trillions off of sick people ? A sad conjecture but apparently a grim possibility. Hurting life and doing Human Experimentation Without Consent is ILLEGAL, yet none of the Governments are doing anything to protect the people and this activity has NOT been disclosed to Citizens despite the severely negative Health affects of all of these elements on Humanity and Life on Earth. Add a Virus pandemic to the mix and you have a recipe for disaster with millions of immune compromised people with overloaded Immune Systems suffering and dying from Covid19 due to their health being compromised by Pre existing health conditions.

This video is a simple animated story of how the Human Immune System works.


Explore how your immune system’s vast network of cells, tissues, and organs coordinate your body’s defenses against bacteria, viruses and toxins.

This video 3D animation on COVID-19 and the coronavirus is a collaboration between Nucleus Medical Media and our friends at the What If Channel. To watch super interesting hypothetical scenarios on the human body, humanity, the planet and the cosmos, please visit the What If Channel at https://www.youtube.com/WhatIfScience….


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