WHEN GOVERNMENTS FAIL in Understanding and Reinforcing Basic Morals and Human Dignity in schools it can be misleading and life damaging for everyone especially Youth. When Governments go so far as to Promote Dysfunctional Ideologies and Sexual Fetish Practices as Normal for Nothing more than Political Gain it can lead to Confusion and Perverted Exploitation of Youth from psychologically damaged online strangers seeking new victims to distort and sexually abuse. Schools are not the place for teachers to promote the idea of being gay when youth have not yet even discovered their own sexuality from birth. In this new era of altered reality due to online exposure to all kinds of unethical people it is time for not only parents but Governments to draw the line with Regulations that protect Youth and Society as a whole from exposure to sexual preferences and perversions that can destroy innocent lives. A society with healthy morals do not exploit sexual preferences which should be regarded as private versus public discourse. I support others to do what they want in private without being judged nor putting it into the faces of others as if they are privileged and have a right to get social attention for things that should remain private matters. Sports are clear cut and obviously should remain segregated to ones sex at birth if for no other reason than to limit promoting more immoral chaos in a world where people need more human morals, dignity and peace. PARENTS PLEASE PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN.
Twenty three year old regrets transitioning her gender reality as a teen after exposure to online Propaganda and unethical Medical Doctors.
Full Report on #FoxNews #Tucker
There is no such thing as Trans Youth because Youth are just that, Youth and they are still identifying themselves in the world. If youth question their gender from birth it presents a psychological or perhaps hormonal defect that needs to be discussed with parents and professionals influenced by online transgenders or school policies misguiding them. I grew up in Texas where men have some feminine qualities like in the way they talk due to the way Texans, men and women alike talk in a sweet tone of voice. After I left Texas and came back years later I was suddenly questioning if all the men were gay because if the way they talked yet I never thought that growing up there. Such character nuances can be misconstrued by Trans persons claiming other men to be gay just because they act and talk in a sweet manner. A truly healthy man has predominantly male but also female attributes. The same for a female who has mostly female qualities with some male attributes. It does not mean you are gay or need to have a sex change or question your gender just because you have attributes from the opposite sex for goodness sake. Stop over analyzing and enjoy accepting yourself and being whole with who you were divinely created to be in this life and enjoy your life. What you in your private intimate life no one needs to know nor does it need to identify you one way or another nor be debated or discussed publicly. All the sex changes in the world will not make you feel comfortable if you are not already comfortable within yourself. You true identity is not male nor female but a mix and your true identity lives within you. No need to join sexual fetish groups or other perversions of life to feel comfortable with yourself.
Children only know what they are taught and human values come from parents. Teaching children that questioning their gender and sexuality is okay during their developmental years is wrong. Medically changing ones sex is completely against nature and is an invasive and violent physical perversion of reality. It is irreversible and against procreation and should never be done out of curiosity or on a whim nor as a publicity stunt. Never violate the divinity of who you were created to be from birth. Appreciating and embracing all aspects of yourself is your God given gift without being hijacked by others trying to give you an altered identity of yourself or claim you to be affiliated with who they think you are or should be. Promoting the idea of questioning ones gender to youth is a crime when children are struggling to establish their gender identities in the world. Sex changes by Medical Doctors is an Exploitation of Innocence and Demoralizes Individuals and Society stamping them as born imperfect and in need of perverted sexual alterations. These undignified and sick perversions of Divine Life as created by God should be ILLEGAL and must end now.
If Gates Gene flipping in vaccines to sterilize humanity has caused problems for youth then he needs to be held accountable financially for all damages to date. Youth need psychotherapy and perhaps hormone therapy to reinforce their gender from birth and must be protected from the follies of Trans perverted sexual fetish individuals and groups seeking to exploit their innocence with sexual perversions. Supporting Trans is as bad or worse than supporting PEDOPHILIA because it addressing sick sexual practices which should not be promoted by anyone much less Governments and Adults in public protests. One must ask why are such perversions as changing ones gender supported by Governments and the Medical Establishment when one freedom of medical choice regarding a vaccine for virus is not supported. There is something very sick and dark coming from those pulling the Puppet Leaders strings from behind the iron curtain.
Every child has a Human Right to grow up into adulthood without questioning their gender and being converted by other unstable and sick perverted sexual practice groups seeking to exploit them online.