Life is a brief Gift for every individual living. One never knows fir how long or when their gift of life will expire. That is why it is pertinent to hold each moment precious as the most valuable possibility one can possess and learn how to enjoy it with spontaneity each breath of each minute foe every hour of every day given this Divine Gift.
LiFe is LoVe and Happiness is the Natural Outcome of All Existence left in Peace, Freedom and the Autonomy to discover and express themselves in life. All Life is a precious child of God’s Divine Creation and should be treated as such equally, above all the innocent children.
No Government nor Leader untrained in medicine nor singular Spokesperson for Big Pharma positioned in a direct conflict of interests should have the power to determine that a simple little Virus can dictate human lives and policies. No one should ever have the right remove an individuals FREEDOM OF CHOICE for anyone reason much less a little virus when Life has the most powerful Human Immunity unreachable by man which protects all life from harm even when the harm is intentional from deficient and ignorant men.
All improper leadership giving unprofessional limited perspectives on health that deny the health choices of millions while putting people in harms way need to be called to order. POLITiCIZING HEALTH for Political Outcomes should be an illegal practice by law. No single individual nor leader should be allowed to make a Medical Consensus for anyone much less everyone when the very meaning and art of healthcare thrives on an individual one on one consultation and Health history with ones Health provider. Broad acceptance of treatments using pharmaceutical medicine should first undergo the scrutiny of a broad assembly of top Medical Professional specialised in Virology and and the comprehension of Human immunity who are witnessing it first hand with their patients. Any consensus must be derived from a good variety of doctors with various professional opinions and perspectives from worldwide who are actively practicing medicine daily with a wide range of patients. Politicians and News Media outlets should be banned from controversy on the subject of health if they are not Medically trained or correctly informed.
Below is an informative Podcast interview with an exceptional Cardiologist sharing his perspectives on Virology and Covid and the importance of correct early treatments.
Life is created to thrive in freedom and autonomy with joy to express those freedoms and joy freely without constraint. Hospitals should have a 5 minute dance break every hour just to balance the energetic demand of constant pressure and efforts to save lives.