The ORIGINAL NATIVES of what is now called America are the Real Forefathers of this land. They hold the Wisdom of how to live in harmony with Mother Earth and respect and care for all life, including Father Sky their four legged friends and all their living human relations. They have a natural passion to protect those children, elders and others vulnerable in a society who cannot protect themselves. It is the Native Forefathers who should govern this land with their Wisdom and Knowledge of how to live in dignity and with respect for all relations, all races and Mother Earth who supports all life. The WHITE MEN who judge, imprison and condemn any innocent life or who condone it should step aside or be removed as they have FAILED serving the AMERICAN PEOPLE and AMERICA. Doing unjust harm to innocent children, women and men who seek protection and refuge from harm is Criminal. Only White Men who can uphold the Protection of All People above money and all else should be serving this land and the people of this land along with the Tribal Native Leaders governing America with their Wisdom.

BOYCOTT the 4th of JULY Celebrations. Genocide of the one of the most beautiful races on Earth is NOTHING to Celebrate, especially when Tyranny and Racism by the Race who committed the genocide continues to harm innocent people of different races today worldwide. Dress up as Native Americans on such holidays, the way my mother used to do with me and my sisters to express her revolt against the tyranny and genocide of pale face invaders with forked tongues. – Anna Smith, CHEROKEE NATION