I think it is TIME for all people to take up Music and Dancing in the streets, parking lots and Piazzas as an act of healing and rebelling the trauma drama of mismanaged Governments over the past two years. Humanity needs a break from the overly controlling bad Virus Movie Narrative. TAKE TWO…the oppressive, depressing and meaningless mandates and lockdowns of mislead old school Globalists apparently commanding the leaders of some of the major countries of the world recently. The global Health events of the last two years have been nothing less than a degraded Twilight Zone nightmare. It made it clear that the old world Globalists are delusional and unfit to lead anyone not ever themselves. They are all past due for retiring in Nursing Homes with the most influential ones in their eighties or older. They are the largest share holders of Toxic Stock Markets and the biggest Mofia crime ring on Earth. They need to be escorted immediately into retirement homes before their delusional dementia brains create drama trauma in the lives of humans. Enough harm and crises. Better to end their plans fast than to endure more of their abuse and human genocide on the masses in the millions.
The following Podcasts links give a more honest perspective on what is going on regarding President Bidens mention of the New World Order. https://t.co/IMM9vJQeJo
This link is a Podcast with an insightful perspective of how past human rights violations led up to current violations. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rfk-jr-the-defender-podcast/id1552000243?i=1000546956422
This Podcast reveals what is going on in Australia and their ties to China. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rfk-jr-the-defender-podcast/id1552000243?i=1000546672133
Below are wonderful and therapeutic traditional folklore dances and song of Southern Italy which carried the culture of the South through centuries of challenging invasions and difficult times.
The Tarantella, which is the word for a Tarantula Spider in Italian is a dance that comes from Southern Italy where the farmers would dance around a person bitten by a Tarantula in order to exorcise the venomous affects from the person. It is an Italian version of the swirling dervishes where one loses themselves in the fast paced foot movements and swirling in a kind of dance frenzy that matches the rhythms of the Tamburi and singing frenzy sung improvisational style by women and men alike. A derivative sister dance called the Pizzica was born from the Tarantella as a kind of therapy for the poor women of the South struggling to feed their children during hard times. They would dance the Pizzica to the rhythms of the Tamburi which is a large oversized Tamburine. Singing and dancing and other instruments were added to make the tradition a very eventful and upbeat part of Southern Italian Life. The music and dancing was done particularly to relieve stress and depression during difficult times. Southern Italy has a strong Greek influence historically and both dances have origins from Greek Culture. The area in the heel of the boot is referred to as Magna Grecia, a dedicated World Heritage Region, known for it’s strong folkloric Traditions embedded with farmers and generations of Southern Italians who have survived centuries under attacks from foreign invasion from outsiders throughout history. The distinct architecture reflects the Greek Arab influence of immigrants over hundreds of years.
Just as the Italians used dance and music to discharge off the stress from hard times all people are in need of discharging off the stress of living under the absurd conditions of delusional and insane senile Globalists who are commanding leaders of major countries of the world to commit massive Crimes Against Humanity in order to advance towards the so-called attempt at New World Order which is in fact Old World Chaos amplified ! The people need to rebel by disengaging in their techno invasion of their privacy and protest by ignoring them while uniting for our own human survival needs. It is important to do everything and anything it takes to discharge off their bad, oppressive and senseless influence of the last two years including the toxic and experimental Covid Non Vaccines which have harmed so many and done unprecedented damage to humanity worldwide. Improvisational folk music and dance is not only a healing activity but it is also a healthy and fun way to engage with other like minded people.